The Old Windsor Neighbourhood Plan went to referendum on 10th October 2019. The plan was passed and the official result is here.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
Neighbourhood Plan is a way of helping local communities to influence the
future planning of the area in which they live and work. The Plan must be an
evidence-based assessment of the social, economic and environmental needs of a
community. In the case of Old Windsor, the Plan will give the local community
an opportunity to have a greater say in the planning and development of the
village over the next ten to fifteen years and once adopted the Plan will have
legal weight and will be used when making planning decisions in the Parish.
A Neighbourhood Plan allows us all to have a say in
where new homes, shops and offices and other developments should be built.
To identify and protect or develop local green spaces.
To influence what new buildings should look like.
What we have done so far
groups with village organisations
wide questionnaire
Plan/Neighbourhood Plan Information Day
stall at 2014 Carnival
History and Development Exhibition
at the 2015 & 2016 Carnival
As a result of what you have told us please follow the
links below
We welcome your comments as this is your Neighbourhood Plan